Född: 2010-01-17
HD AB + ED UA +ögon UA
Utställning: CK
Uppfödare: Åsa Cederlund, Harplinge
SE17294/2010 Sunny Delight’s Raindrop | DK20479/2009 DE&VDH CH DK CH(U) SE U(U)CH Non-Stop Jojo Mayer | KCAC01045305 BE CH INT UCH Gatchells Man Of Honour | KCSB0285CJ BE CH GB SHCH Golmas Governor |
KCSB0031CJ GB SHCH Gatchells Royal Orchid |
MET5705/01 CH Non-Stop Dió | HR10805 HR CH INT UCH Karvin Zaicca |
MET4209/98 HU CH Primrose Dejá Vu |
S27899/2003 Sunny Delight’s Cover Girl | S56846/2001 SE U(U)CH Kulawand Northern Forester | KCZ5536602Z04 Kulawand Nordic Venture |
KCY1359105Y02 Kulawand Magic Music |
S32821/97 SE U(U)CH Inassicas Sunny Delight | S56313/92 Shanlimore Falcon |
S30537/93 Inassicas Stephanie |